What do you get
tools4schedulers has done the hard work for you, we have created custom check filters! These filters, that we should all be using, are used to identify key areas that gives the schedule its robustness and credibility. We also provide you with a simple and effective interface to identify the problem areas. This time-saving feature will run those all-important schedule filter checks with a single click of the mouse, giving you more analysis time.
This tool traces predecessors, successors, driving, non-driving, local projects or external sub-projects all from the task selected, in a matter of seconds. The results can then be analysed in the Gantt view or Network Diagram view, your preference.
This provides a simple way to view commonly used customised fields. This is a time-saving activity for you, as the user, to quickly identify which fields are used to control the schedule.
This tool displays predecessors and successors for the task selected. It also displays information without actively moving to a predecessor or successor showing start & finish dates, slack and percent complete. This is especially helpful on large projects when trying to determine the driving task.
Want to export task assignment to Excel over time periods, easy! Use Data Export. This tool makes your life a whole lot better when it comes to exporting data. Why, well it is all about time-saving tools and Data Export fits those criteria. Select from local or enterprise Text, Flag, Outline Code fields, this gives you the user flexibility to slice and dice data for report presentation or yep you guessed it - analysis.
Schedule trend
This feature charts cumulative totals from actual, forecats and baseline performance project data, comparing general progress agaist the baseline.
This feature is a suite of charts that provides, an effective way to show visually, monetary values and performance indices for schedulers/planners and project managers/owners to assess warning signals throughout the life cycle of the project.