Great Features

Health Check
Have confidence the dates provided in your schedule are meaningful and accurate for reporting
Simple easy to use interface to run schedule health check indicators
Predefined health check indicators to gain confidence that the schedule is in a robust state
Results displayed to the screen for visual comparison
Single mouse click filter on each indicator and to correct errors as necessary
Export results to Excel for presentation or to save as history to measure progress
Display a chart for visual communication
Trace Path
Locate & trace slipping tasks with a time efficient method to rapidly discover and display the driving path
Determine the cause of a slipping task, easy as selecting a task and clicking Run
You can analyse Predecessor and Successor paths in a Gantt or Network view
Time efficient when locating slippage drivers
Comprehensive and takes the manual guess work out of determine task critical paths
Focus on the driving path for a better project outcome

Field Explorer
Discover & identify custom fields and resources which are used to control your project
Field Explorer provides a simple way to display commonly used fields
Gives you the capability to quickly identify which fields may be used to control the schedule
Any field that is renamed would most likely suggest it has a purpose or importance and therefore should be examined
Display and filter Local or Enterprise resources
Task Drivers
​Detect & traverse through your project plan by selecting the controlling or non-controlling tasks
Display predecessors and successors for a selected task
Shows information without going to a predecessor or successor (start and finish date, slack, percent complete)
Highlighting driving tasks making it easy to quickly identify the controlling logic
Simply double-click Task Drivers and it will goto the selected task

Data Export
Analyse & visualise resource allocation, costs, custom fields and additional project detail in excel
Export task assignment data to Excel over nominated time period and frequency
Easily extracting assignment data, on any time period with work or cost
Select Text, Flag, Outline Codes from Local or Enterprise fields
Flexibility to present data in many different ways in a familiar tool
Earned Value charts
Evaluate & measure with Earned Value, these charts provide an effective way to show visual monetary values and performance indices for your project
Capture EV data (PV, EV, AC, Baseline, and Forecast) from your project and plot these values into charts
Assess warning signals throughout the life cycle of the project